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Saturday, February 22, 2014

S.T.A.R. Heroes Update 1.1.8 Change Log

The final update of February Fest lands us with a new limited time mission, 2 normal missions, and 2 new monsters.

Click the post title for the full list of details after the jump.

Change Log: 1.1.8

-New Pokémon: Mankey, Growlithe
-New Missions:  Dog and Monkey Show, Free Battle IV, Twitch Plays Pokémon Star
-New Moves: Karate Chop, Hypnosis, Teleport
-New Abilities: Water Absorb

-The way status ailments are inflicted has been slightly recoded to better support certain non-standard immunities (i.e. Grass Pokémon can’t be affected by “Powder” moves, etc… )

Bug Fixes:
-Super Frame attacks no longer allow the user to be hit more than once by the same move.

-Nicknames for Rental Pokémon works now

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